You are currently viewing KINDS OF BARBITURATES



kinds of Barbiturates: Medically used as sedatives and anesthetics since the early 1900’s, the different kinds of Barbiturates have been a useful tool in the health care domain. These drugs slow down all the operations of the Nervous system (brain and spinal cord) almost instantly. They have been known to be used for euthanasia in humans and animals too. However, many countries in the world today have different policies protecting their citizens.

There are 4 major kinds; ultra-short, short, intermediate and long-term.

  1. Ultra-Short Acting Barbiturates:

These are extremely short-term acting drugs. They usually take effects in less than 30 seconds and can last up till 30 minutes. These includes:  Methohexital (brevital), thiopental (Pentothal), Thiamylal (Surital); Which are injected directly to the bloodstream.

  1. Short Acting:

These includes Pentobarbitals (such as Nembutal) and Secobarbital (such as Amytal). Usually, they take effects under 15 minutes of administering. Comes in the Form of Injectable liquids, oral solutions, Pills, and Powder forms. More to note is the fact that they can put a full grown adult male unconscious for almost 1 hour Furthermore; these drugs should be handled by professionals as they can be used for Euthanasia.

Amytal is a Short term acting Barbiturate.
Amytal Soduim.
Substitutes Nembutal.
  1. Intermediate and Long – Term

They include Mephobarbital (Meberal), Phenobarbital (Luminal). Mostly taken orally, these drugs take a long time to settle in the system and can keep the nervous system dysfunctional for almost 6 to 8 Hours.

Phenobarbital such as Luminal is a Long term acting barbiturate
Phenobarbital such as Luminal

For more on Euthanasia and Anesthetic drugs, visit: Stutter Health


kinds of Barbiturates: Medically used as sedatives and anesthetics since the early 1900’s, the different kinds of Barbiturates have been a useful tool in the health care domain. These drugs slow down all the operations of the Nervous system (brain and spinal cord) almost instantly. They have been known to be used for euthanasia in humans and animals too. However, many countries in the world today have different policies protecting their citizens.

There are 4 major kinds of Barbiturates; ultra-short, short, intermediate and long-term.



kinds of Barbiturates: Medically used as sedatives and anesthetics since the early 1900’s, the different kinds of Barbiturates have been a useful tool in the health care domain. These drugs slow down all the operations of the Nervous system (brain and spinal cord) almost instantly. They have been known to be used for euthanasia in humans and animals too. However, many countries in the world today have different policies protecting their citizens.

There are 4 major kinds; ultra-short, short, intermediate and long-term.

  1. Ultra-Short Acting Barbiturates:

These are extremely short-term acting drugs. They usually take effects in less than 30 seconds and can last up till 30 minutes. These includes:  Methohexital (brevital), thiopental (Pentothal), Thiamylal (Surital); Which are injected directly to the bloodstream.

  1. Short Acting:

These includes Pentobarbitals (such as Nembutal) and Secobarbital (such as Amytal). Usually, they take effects under 15 minutes of administering. Comes in the Form of Injectable liquids, oral solutions, Pills, and Powder forms. More to note is the fact that they can put a full grown adult male unconscious for almost 1 hour Furthermore; these drugs should be handled by professionals as they can be used for Euthanasia.

Amytal is a Short term acting Barbiturate.
Amytal Soduim.
Substitutes Nembutal.
  1. Intermediate and Long – Term

They include Mephobarbital (Meberal), Phenobarbital (Luminal). Mostly taken orally, these drugs take a long time to settle in the system and can keep the nervous system dysfunctional for almost 6 to 8 Hours.

Phenobarbital such as Luminal is a Long term acting barbiturate
Phenobarbital such as Luminal

For more on Euthanasia and Anesthetic drugs, visit: Stutter Health


kinds of Barbiturates: Medically used as sedatives and anesthetics since the early 1900’s, the different kinds of Barbiturates have been a useful tool in the health care domain. These drugs slow down all the operations of the Nervous system (brain and spinal cord) almost instantly. They have been known to be used for euthanasia in humans and animals too. However, many countries in the world today have different policies protecting their citizens.

There are 4 major kinds of Barbiturates; ultra-short, short, intermediate and long-term.

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