Medically used as Sedatives and Anesthetics since the early 1900’s, Barbiturate drugs have been in a useful tool in the health care domain. Barbiturates slow down all the operations of the Nervous system (brain and spinal cord) almost instantly. They have been known to be used for euthanasia in humans and animals too. However, many countries in the world today have different policies protecting their citizens.

There are 4 major kinds of Barbiturate; ultra-short, short, intermediate and long-term acting barbiturates.

1. Ultra-Short Acting Barbiturates:

Methohexital (brevital), thiopental (Pentothal), Thiamylal (Surital)

2. Short Acting Barbiturates:

includes Pentobarbitals (such as Nembutal) and Secobarbital (such as Amytal)

3. Intermediate Acting Barbiturates

Mephobarbital (Meberal)

4. Long – Term Acting Barbiturates:

Phenobarbital (Luminal)

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Dying With Dignity and Respect 101

Dignified Passing: The Importance of Dying With Dignity and Respect Death. It's not a topic most people like to think about. But the fact remains that death is an inevitable…

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